New Logo, NEW LOOK!

Big news! Today, after 50 years, we’re releasing an updated brand identity, which includes a new logo, colors, and font. You’ll see the new look anywhere we’re out in public, like our website, Facebook, and Instagram; very soon you’ll see it in all of our products, as well. We believe the new look better matches what we’ve become since 1969: a grower, packer, and shipper of top quality and exceptional tasting sweetpotatoes!

Since our founding in 1969, we’ve more or less stuck with the same sweetpotato logo, but in the last few years we’ve changed quite a lot: we’ve launched new products such as microwaveable and bagged sweet potatoes. The old look with the black, orange, and green colors felt a bit dated, and needless to say, it was time for a change.

Our design goal was to better match how we look to our values and the consumers we serve. A small team inside the company worked to find something that appeared natural, friendly, and connected.

Compared with the original orange, the deeper orange is more connected with the true color of our Covington sweetpotatoes. The green roots show our commitment to sustainability and reducing our agricultural impact on the environment. The color arches represent the 3 components of our operation - growing, packing, and shipping. And finally, the sunburst is to symbolize our reliance on mother nature to allow us to nourish and grow our crops.

We hope you like this new look and feel for Farm Pak! Look out for more updates—like an updated look in our packaging and products—as we continue to try to better serve our buyers and sweet potato consumers all over the world.
